Letter From the Executive Director
Ensure that our NSO operators and their families are provided with all the tools necessary to overcome any challenges they may face, and let them know they are never alone in the fight!
Everything we do is driven by this mission - It is what compelled us to establish Navy Special Operations Foundation, and we will continue to stay true to these values in order to fulfill this commitment to the deserving community we serve.
NSOF enters this 5th year of service with momentum to reach and impact more of our heroes, more effectively than ever.
2021 has been perhaps the most challenging year we've faced as an organization, but despite these difficulties, we managed to adapt, overcome, and make a substantial impact on this deserving community!
I am proud to report that to date, NSOF has provided over $520,000 in funding to more than 4,700 NSO Operators & Families! We take an enormous amount of pride in this accomplishment — an accomplishment that would not have been possible without your generosity and commitment to our crucial cause.
This foundation exists to be the singular point of support for the remarkable Navy Special Operations warriors and their families who have sacrificed so much, and we will continue to stay true to our values in order to achieve our vision of keeping our families in the fight!
As always, we extend our overwhelming gratitude to the amazing donors, volunteers and advocates who enable us to support our Navy EOD, Navy Divers, and their families who have selflessly served our nation.
Suzanna Fisher

Looking Ahead: 2022
While we take an enormous amount of pride in our accomplishments, we still have quite simply a long way to go. We look toward the future and are excited to share with you what we have planned for 2022!
Strategic Advisory Board
We're incredibly enthusiastic for RADM Morneau's guidance as we continue to be the only organization to exclusively support Navy EOD and Navy Divers. His leadership will help us grow as well as expand our pillars of support, and we are grateful for his continued service.
Critical Care for NSO Warriors
With the very recent loss of one of our own, this year has been a stark reminder that our NSO warriors who are still with us need our support more than ever. The Navy EOD community has one of the highest suicide rates in the entire military, and as such, we desperately need to increase our capacity to make real impacts for our operators and their
We must continue to serve the unserved and provide our heroes that have sacrificed so much for our freedoms with the programs and services they need and deserve. This is something we cannot accomplish without your support.
The NSO Memorial

Well over a year in the making, we are proud and thrilled to unveil The NSO Memorial Project - A joint project proudly presented by Navy Special Operations Foundation (NSOF), and one of our closest partners, the Navy EOD Association (NEODA).

The NSO Memorial not only honors our fallen Navy Special Operations heroes, its unique and original design simultaneously promotes healing and wellness for those who are still among us.
We've worked diligently to ensure that meaning has been embedded in every detail of this project, and are proud to announce that we expect to break ground this coming Spring.
While approval for the NSO Memorial is pending, we are currently accepting pledges for donations towards this incredible project.
Coop's Reset
Registration is open to all current & former Navy EOD, Navy Diver, DMT/DMO personnel. The event includes lodging, lift tickets, and dinner on Saturday.
Upcoming Events
2022 NSOF Benefit Gala
Join us Saturday, June 11th for our annual Navy Special Operations Foundation Benefit Gala at The Hilton Main in Norfolk, VA! This formal, black-tie Gala is held to celebrate the laurels of the men and women who comprise the Navy Special Operations community.Keynote Speaker
Doctor Ronny Jackson is a retired Rear Admiral in the United States Navy, and currently the U.S. Representative for Texas' 13th congressional district. He has served three administrations, directed the Executive Health Care for the President’s Cabinet and Senior Staff, served as Physician Supervisor for the Camp David Presidential Retreat, held the position of Physician to the White House, and led the White House Medical Unit as its Commanding Officer.
Sponsorships & Silent Auction
Sponsor this amazing event to benefit our Gold Star, Wounded Warrior, and NSO families. Enjoy a night of fine dining, live entertainment and a silent auction to help us celebrate and support the incredible accomplishments of the NSO community!
NSOF is also actively seeking items for our silent auction. If you own a business or know of one that would be interested in donating, we would love to hear from you!

Never Forgotten 5k Series

Live Broadcast & In-Person After Parties
Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 28th. Tickets will be on sale soon!
Join us Memorial Day Weekend to honor our fallen heroes by participating in the Never Forgotten 5k Series! Our live broadcast will feature spectacular hosts, special guests, giveaways, and much more!
We are VERY excited to partner with The Shack once again for our East Coast After Party!
Ways to Support